Anyone's live data glitching?

Just got a report (2 minutes ago) from a client’s existing app about this issue:

There is a field (that is a data type) and it shows the wrong Thing attached to this field.

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Some of our users are logging as normally, however are gaining access to other users’ accounts, in some cases that are even getting access to super admin access. This is a huge problem.

I’m still having an issue where child objects on a list are not showing up on the parent object.

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My whole app is going haywire. All sorts of data issues. My users are getting upset. This isn’t good.

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Yeah, 4 hours intermittently and no status page update yet.

Data integrity issues are quite concerning.

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Yes I am seeing this as well. Missing entries on repeating group and child data items not showing up on page load.

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This is worse than a complete downtime. I can view the same object through debug mode and through the database and see two versions of the same record… Incredible

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Just dropping a quick message to confirm for everyone that the team is aware of this thread and investigating

this sounds very serious. Have you submitted a report?

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We’ve identified the problem here and are rolling out a fix now, expected eta sometime in the next 10 minutes


What do I tell the user who just pulled the plug on my software because critical information was missing today?

We’re still evaluating how widespread the impact of this issue is, but our current estimate is that most apps are not affected, so if you are seeing this thread but your app is working correctly, that’s expected.

If you are experiencing problems with your app and you haven’t done so already, I encourage filling out a bug report so we can investigate and confirm that the issue we’ve been looking into is what’s causing the symptoms you are seeing.

We’ll share more details on what happened later – the quick version is that this looks like an issue with some of the work we’ve been doing as described here:

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I had one app displaying the incorrect behaviour, but then the same app was correct about 20 minutes ago. So, it seems to be at least somewhat intermittent/random.

Thanks for the update!

This seems to be primarily affecting actions reliant on backend workflows. Is that the case for others?

Should be fully working again. If you are still seeing issues, it’s likely not related to this and you should file a bug report


I just submitted a bug report. Identically workflows are working fine in version test but are wrong and randomly wrong in live. I think there is still a serious problem with backend workflows. Data integrity is affected. This is a huge problem.

@fede.bubble please help get visibility on this internally. There is still a large data integrity problem. Everything is fine in version test but for certain actions in live results are random.

The data glitches caused the database to return the wrong results, which were then saved in another table in the database. So now my database is corrupt due to this glitch.


@fede.bubble @josh I’m @jeallison 's co-founder. We did submit a report and the issue is still persisting as of 8:01pm EDT. We have numerous users sending us videos of them being logged in as Super Admins and user data is getting switched up all over the place.

This is incredibly dangerous for our application and is causing potentially irreparable harm and as another user mentioned this is much worse than servers being down. Please reach out to us directly or escalate our support ticket so we can get this resolved asap.

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It’s quite frustrating for the Bubble Status Page to say “Operational” while our customers are losing confidence by the second.

To say your status page is misleading is being generous.

@eli.marchbanks @brandon4 we are looking at your reports now.

@brett9 is this issue still affecting you? do you have a bug report in?

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