Hi Everybody!
A new plugin is now available on market. Heatmap chart from APEX script.
You can create a Heatmap from a DB Thing. This will dynamically create labels and series for you and use count or you can use a third field to sum or avg.
Lot of options (colors, range, shade, radius, font…).
1 Element: Apex Heatmap Chart
1 Event: DataPoint Clicked (trigger a workflow when user click on a value)
3 States: Clicked Label, Clicked Series, Clicked Value
1 Action: Refresh data (you can use with workflow Do Every X sec)
I just can’t get this to work and it throws the following error: The plugin APEX Heatmap / element Heatmap Apex Basic threw the following error:
anonymous@https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/cd8ab0d442a917d6fe0751dc2337e23ad7e3fa208ff5e04c0e6dbf1ed38aca3b/xfalse/x5 line 15 > Function:4:411
I@https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/cd8ab0d442a917d6fe0751dc2337e23ad7e3fa208ff5e04c0e6dbf1ed38aca3b/xfalse/x5:15:1923348 (please report this to the plugin author)
Ok thanks. Is it possible that some value in one of the field (group, subgroup and score) may be empty?
Just realized that I didn’t test this case. If this is possible, I will test this case
UPDATE 04/09/2019:
Better handling for empty value. You can now choose to rename empty label and if you use optional value, choose to replace missing value by 0, average or median.
This update include fix for issue reported by @StevenM
HI As a request it would be good if we can pick X and Y axis that were not only text fields. It appears if we have a field linked to another table you can’t use the data in that field on the x or y axis makes it a bit restrictive.