APEX Landing Page & App Starter

Happy Holidays!

Releasing our first Tesseract built Bubble Template. All feedback, feature requests, ideas and anything else is more than welcome!

Trailer Overview Video:

Demo Bubble Editor:

Documentation Site:

Index ~ Landing Page

:crystal_ball: Elevate Your No-Code Development Experience with the new Bubble APEX Template & App Starter Kit.

:rocket: APEX is your ultimate solution for building sophisticated web apps with ease and efficiency. Designed for both no-code enthusiasts and developers, APEX offers a robust foundation to kickstart your projects, saving you time and effort while delivering delivering top of the line results.

Fully responsive and running on Bubble Version 29. Standard Multi-Page setup for marketing and blog and Simple SPA Shell Starter for Admin Dashboard.

:computer: Key Features:

:white_check_mark: Modern 3D Index Page with with 14 sections, a micro blog, contact form, multiple card grids, reusable nav and footer and all the animate on scroll eye candy you need :lollipop:.

:white_check_mark: Blog/Media Page & Article/Content Detail View Pages: Quickly jump start various content based sites.

:white_check_mark: Stunning Landing Page: Capture your audience’s attention with a beautifully crafted landing page that sets the stage for your brand. Design tokens live in neatly organized option sets and page content is managed via database type, allowing for quick variations of the page to be created.

:white_check_mark: Comprehensive Blog UI: Launch your content strategy with a fully designed blog interface, complete with article view pages and easy content management. You can use either just the small micro-blog viewer section that is on the index page, or use the dedicated blog and article pages for a full blown content experience.

:white_check_mark: User Authentication Suite: Seamlessly integrate secure signup/login functionality, along with password change and 404 error handling.

:white_check_mark: SPA Admin Dashboard Starter: Customize and expand your admin dashboard with starters for charts, user lists, and content management tools

:white_check_mark: Spline Interactive Embeds & Custom Designs: Employ modern 3d assets in your marketing presence.

:white_check_mark: Auto-Detect Theme Enabled: User system theme is checked on page load, with additional option of controlling light and dark mode through toggle in navbar

:white_check_mark: Custom Scroll Bars & Animate On Scroll: Fluid animations for various elements

:white_check_mark: Toast Alerts through FREE Notifier Plugin: Example events and actions already setup, thus allowing you to quickly customize the dynamic alerts, etc

:white_check_mark: Modern Lottie Animations for page transitions: 1T Page Loader plugin handles smooth transitions on all page loads

:white_check_mark: Animated Background Gradients & Dynamic typewriter Effect

:clipboard: Most elements in the template are controlled via option sets and database types. Below is an overview of how the data is setup:

:arrows_counterclockwise: Option Sets for APEX Bubble Template

:ballot_box_with_check: os_app_navigation_item: Defines the navigation elements within the app, ensuring seamless user flow and intuitive access to key sections.

:ballot_box_with_check: os_blog_article_content: Manages the structure and elements of your blog articles, including categories, tags, and media, for organized content delivery.

:ballot_box_with_check: os_brand_asset: Stores brand-related assets such as logos and color schemes, maintaining consistency across your application

:ballot_box_with_check: os_content_topic_category: Categorizes content topics to enhance organization and improve user navigation within your app.

:ballot_box_with_check: os_custom_icon: Provides a library of custom icons to personalize and enhance the visual appeal of your application

:ballot_box_with_check: os_index_navigation: Controls the main navigation structure, guiding users through the primary areas of your app

:ballot_box_with_check: os_lottie_animation: Integrates Lottie animations for dynamic and engaging visual effects, enhancing user interaction.

:ballot_box_with_check: os_media_asset: Manages media files such as images and videos, ensuring efficient storage and retrieval for use across your app

:ballot_box_with_check: os_page_content: Organizes the content elements of each page, allowing for easy updates and consistent presentation

:ballot_box_with_check: os_privacy_credential: Handles privacy settings and credentials, ensuring secure access and data protection for users

:ballot_box_with_check: os_project_color_theme: Defines the color themes for your project, allowing for cohesive and visually appealing design throughout the app

:desktop_computer: Data Types for APEX Bubble Template

  • Beta_waitlist: Manages entries for users interested in early access to your app, helping you organize and prioritize beta testers.
  • Blog_post: Stores information about blog articles, including content, author, and publication date, for easy management and display.
  • Form_submission: Captures data from user-submitted forms, enabling you to process and respond to user inquiries efficiently.
  • Newsletter_signup: Tracks users who have signed up for your newsletter, facilitating effective communication and engagement.
  • Page_content: Holds the content for various pages within your app, allowing for dynamic updates and consistent presentation.
  • Page_performance: Monitors and records performance metrics for your app’s pages, helping you optimize load times and user experience.
  • Site_traffic: Setup native data analytics on user visits and interactions, providing insights into traffic patterns and user behavior.
  • User: Contains user account information, including login credentials and profile details, with privacy rules applied for data protection.
  • User_testimonial: Description: Stores testimonials and feedback from users, showcasing positive experiences and building credibility.

:electric_plug: Plugins used in template:

  • 1T Page Loader
  • Advanced Scrollspy / RG index
  • Animate On Scroll
  • Animated Border Gradient
  • Animated Gradient Background+
  • Animated Logo/Image Slider
  • Apex Chart - 54 Charts & Graphs
  • CSS Lift + CSS Tools
  • Dark Mode Detection Free
  • Glassmorphism - Frosty Glass
  • Image Zoom & Magnify
  • Lottie Animations Maintained
  • Repeating Group Animate On Scroll
  • Scroll Progress Bar Pro
  • Toast Notifications - Notifier
  • Returning Visitor Analytics

:white_check_mark: Benefits for Developers:

:sparkle: Rapid Deployment: Get your application up and running in record time with our pre-built components and intuitive setup process

:sparkle: Customization Flexibility: Tailor every aspect of your app to fit your unique vision, with the flexibility to integrate custom code, change and extend the design system and more

:sparkle: Scalability and Growth: Designed to evolve with your application, APEX supports additional features and user expansion seamlessly.

:sparkle: Community and Support: Join a vibrant community of developers and creators, with access to resources and support to help you succeed.

:busts_in_silhouette: Who Should Use APEX?

  • Entrepreneurs and startups looking to launch their next big idea quickly and efficiently.
  • Developers seeking a robust starting point for custom applications with minimal coding.
  • Businesses aiming to enhance their digital presence with a professional, user-friendly interface.

:stars: Get Started with APEX Today:
Enhance your Bubble development process with APEX. Whether you’re building a new app or enhancing an existing one, our template provides the tools and flexibility you need to succeed in the no-code space. Explore the possibilities and elevate your development experience with APEX.

Please note that this template works best with the free and paid plugins that come with the template. Most of these plugins can be removed or turned off if their specific functionality is not required.

Template is fully maintained and supported by the Tesseract ~ Reach out anytime via tesseract-studio@proton.me or visit us at https://tesseract-creator.com