API Workflow return a list with maximum of 50 items

I don’t understand, why when I try to get a list of items from API Workflow it returns only a list with maximum of 50 items, despite actually having many more items (300 for example)?

When I try to get only last item, I get the 300th one.

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Hello, I have a similar problem, my program is stopping at 96 requests.
Did you solve this problem? As?

Not really. I think, Bubble has a cap of 50 items per API Workflow output.
If you need only DB items, the better way is to use Data API.

The other workaround is to output your information as a text string. For example, "item1, item2, item3, ...", and parse this string after. You have also some maximal size of request (not sure, maybe few MBs), but you can get eventually more information out.

For my use case, I use bot methods in different settings.