Retrieve all data from database through API workflow

I want to retrieve all data from a database table through an API workflow.


call: POST to endpoint
response: A list of all data in the database table

I am using the “Return Data from API” step and returning a “Search for Users:converted to list”.

I only get the first 50, but I want to get all 500+.

The following is the response I get (I removed the data content):

{u’status’: u’success’, u’response’: {u’token’: u’‘, u’expires’: 31536000, u’user_id’: u’‘, u’User’: [<50 Users>]}}

Is there any way for me to retrieve all data?

Hi @gbannister, according to the Bubble reference, 50 items is indeed the limit here:

These are the keys and data types of the parameters that are returned. When the name and type of data are set, define the data you want to return. In the case of the Workflow API, we limit the size of lists to 50 entries. For a full list of data, please use the Data API that handles pagination.

You can read more on all your API options here: Introduction - Bubble Docs

Gaby at Coaching No Code Apps (formerly Coaching Bubble)

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