App Data Bug on Unique ID display?

Hello !

I cannot display a data view with unique id checked. No data is returned. If I uncheck the “unique id” field, data are viewable.

The column header for “Unique id” is empty when I check it.

Very strange, what to do? I have the same issue on another app in another Bubble account.

Unique ID unchecked:

UniqueID checked:


I am having the same issue (no data for views)

Perhaps this is temporary as Bubble does frequent improvements

I am resorting to using “All” and will wait for things to get back to normal

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Oh ! Thought it was only me (friends don t encounter this)

Pls @Bubble do somethin :pray: ping @emmanuel

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Hey @Sarah_Esteve,

I’d recommend filing a bug report, so the Bubble Success Team can take a look and escalate it with any findings :blush:


Hello, everyone,

Thanks for calling this out! Our engineering team is currently working on a fix for this, and we’ll have that out for you all shortly.

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I believe this is a bug with the recent update. I’m sure they are working hard on fixing this one.


Thanks for your patience! We have just pushed a fix for this; please go ahead and test this in your application and ensure that it meets your expectations.


It’s working great ! Thanks for this quick fix :slight_smile:


Has your team pushed the update for dedicated instances? I noticed that the error was still occurring after last nights update.

Looks like you also wrote into our team about this and got this working, but let us know if you run into anything else!

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