I am working on an app for my passenger transportation company. Within the app I want to ability to record stop information for daily schedules. Here’s what I am in need to be to do, is be able to setup a Route (1-1, 1-2A, 1-2B, 12-1, etc.), within those routes, establish schedules (Schedule 1314, 1316, 1323, etc.) and within those schedules, establish stops, with stop order, and stop times (departure/arrival).
What I want to be able to do is a have a route list page that displays the current routes available, then a route page listing the schedules for that route, and a schedule page that displays the appropriate list of stops in my determined order with stop times displayed, and then with input fields associated with the stop for recording passenger counts.
The route/schedule/count data needs to be saved to a central spot that can record the date, driver, vehicle, route, schedule, stop, and count on/off. The reason for this is being able to in the end pull the passenger count data for a given date range, by stop, schedule, route.
I am trying to help reduce paper waste within my company I for. I need help with design, mostly with the data structuring for recording and displaying data. I do kind of got the grasp of how I need to establishing routes and associate schedules and then stops with times and order. I am still new with bubble, and very rusty with some of my programming and design structuring.
Thanks for any help
**Note: I am mainly looking for guidance and reference in building this instead of it someone else building it, unless I just cant do it. I want to be able to understanding the inner workings, and be able to easily maintain it.