Attach file (pdf, doc, txt., etc.) to an email

I’m trying to attach a file of any extension (pdf, doc, txt, avi,…) to an email but I can’t do it.

  1. I have the files in the database.
  2. I’m using Copilot’s Sendgrid API (SendGrid Plugin | Bubble) to send emails. The emails are sent perfectly with its included template.
  3. If I use Bubble’s Send Mail, attaching a file doesn’t work either.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

I don’t want to indicate a link to the file, I need the file to be included in the email

I’ll restate my problem:
Does anyone know how I can attach a file that is in the database to an email?
Indicating the file does not work for me.

What are you experiencing…that the file is not attached to the email received, or that the email doesn’t send and there is a workflow error?

Specifically, I don’t receive any attachments.

I have managed to get the default send email in Bubble to send the attachment.
To do this, I have created a FileUploader, to which I have given the dynamic value of the file location

In the workflow, I have added that FileUploader to the File field

With this, I have managed to send the file correctly.

However, if I use the Sengrid plugin to be able to use a more attractive email template than what Send email allows by default, and I add that FileUploader in the “Attachment 1 filename” field, I receive the email but it does not come with the attached file

To solve the email sending problem with Sendgrid Api this is what I have done:

The solution to this problem I got from this video:

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