Avoid storing Unique ID from Things

Hi there!

How do I avoid storing the unique ID of another thing (eg. 1649387209969x112154955363457800). I’d like to see only plain text entries as it is easier to debug.
Do I need to make a new thing? And if, what are the limitations?


I believe this article can help you.


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I’m not sure what you need, but if you have 2 types of data, let’s say “EVENT” that’s inside has a date, description etc, and a type called “LOCALS” that are the places available…
inside the EVENT you can create a new data type LOCALS called “location”, for example, than you can store directly inside the data without using the unique ID.
When you want to show the name of the location it would be like: Parent’s EVENT’s LOCALS’s location

now, if you just want to change what it’s showed in URL, it would be good for you to seach a little about slugs, they also need to be unique, but they are customized texts that you can enter in a url and bubble will find it

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Thanks for your quick response!
For example, LOCALS contains the field “name”, “district”, etc.
If I save a value of EVENT’s location, that refers to LOCALS, I would store the unique ID of LOCALS.
You said that I can store some data without using the unique ID. What data would I store then? “name” or “district”?

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

PS: I didn’t know about slugs, but they seem helpful for URLs - definitely gonna help!

when you create a new field inside a Data you have some options:
numeric range
date range

and you have the other Data’s that you’ve already created, ex:

If you create a new field, and choose a differente Data, you can set it through workflows and store this Data inside another Data, in other words, you can create relations between different Datas… In this way, you don’t need to “Do a search” every time, it will be directly linked

Thanks for your answer :slight_smile: It was not the solution, but finally, after quite a bit time, I figured that I just needed to change the selections in “Define primary display fields” from “unique id” to any data type.

Well, now I’ll definitely remember that…

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