Backend Error Not Showing in Alert

HI , We are calling one of our api’s in backend of our service , if the data entered is correct , it works fine but if the input is wrong it should show the error as alert , but from yesterday its throwing below error :

In our postman we get this :

    "message": "Internal server error",
    "exception": "Same pledge card exist in data base already , Please change PC number"

Earlier in bubble also it used to throw a alert but now when our api is not success it throws error like this . Its causing a lot of business issues .

@Jici please help .

Ho do you call your backend WF? using API connector? If yes, did you activate error checkbox?
On your page, did you add a workflow that trigger on unhandled error? This should contain the error message (not parsed)


I am currently facing the same error and I did not check the error checkbox on the API Connector. I think this issue is caused by a recent update from Bubble because before now my API setup worked just fine, and when a user types in a wrong or invalid input I get an error message from the API stating what the error is in detail and I can show that to my user directly. However now, bubble has replaced the error coming from the API with a generic error of “Sorry, we ran into a temporary bug and can’t…” as shown in screenshot above.

Also note that I have a workflow that triggers on unhandled error to display the current workflows error message. and this worked perfectly fine until recently when I noticed it’s being replaced by the generic message from Bubble. My project’s backend is not on bubble and I rely solely on API connector and this simple thing just breaks a lot of flows for user.

this screenshot is from Bubble Releases page at Releases | Bubble and you can see some activities in recent time on the API connector specifically error handling.

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My backend is not on bubble , i am using API connector , earlier it was like bubble used to show us exception of 400 code or 500 code as alert now its just throwing this error since 5-6 days , its a fault from bubble side .
We cant make separate workflows to handle errors . Bubble now is not showing exceptions from API connectors as alerts .

exactly same issue we are facing since 3-4 days , earlier it was fine . looks like bubble has done some changes so that now our errors from API connector are not shown .

@fede.bubble please check this out , we are using bubble for very long time and have a enterprise plan , our users are facing issues due to this .

let me flag this to the team it looks like you got in touch with support, they replied back and are waiting for you to follow up. Do you have anything in your inbox?

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yes , We will reply soon to that . Till Now We were debugging thinking that its a fault from our side so were trying to change error code in backend .

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