HI , We are calling one of our api’s in backend of our service , if the data entered is correct , it works fine but if the input is wrong it should show the error as alert , but from yesterday its throwing below error :
Ho do you call your backend WF? using API connector? If yes, did you activate error checkbox?
On your page, did you add a workflow that trigger on unhandled error? This should contain the error message (not parsed)
I am currently facing the same error and I did not check the error checkbox on the API Connector. I think this issue is caused by a recent update from Bubble because before now my API setup worked just fine, and when a user types in a wrong or invalid input I get an error message from the API stating what the error is in detail and I can show that to my user directly. However now, bubble has replaced the error coming from the API with a generic error of “Sorry, we ran into a temporary bug and can’t…” as shown in @paras.in screenshot above.
Also note that I have a workflow that triggers on unhandled error to display the current workflows error message. and this worked perfectly fine until recently when I noticed it’s being replaced by the generic message from Bubble. My project’s backend is not on bubble and I rely solely on API connector and this simple thing just breaks a lot of flows for user.
this screenshot is from Bubble Releases page at Releases | Bubble and you can see some activities in recent time on the API connector specifically error handling.
My backend is not on bubble , i am using API connector , earlier it was like bubble used to show us exception of 400 code or 500 code as alert now its just throwing this error since 5-6 days , its a fault from bubble side .
We cant make separate workflows to handle errors . Bubble now is not showing exceptions from API connectors as alerts .
exactly same issue we are facing since 3-4 days , earlier it was fine . looks like bubble has done some changes so that now our errors from API connector are not shown .