Hi Bubblers,
I am hoping that one of you help me figure out what is causing my issue.
Up until a day or two ago, I had the Google Drive API happily feeding a backend workflow that writes the drive records to the database. I was developing the backend recursive workflow to iterate through the pages (using nextPageTokens) and either I did something that made it stop working or something in Bubble has changed (i have seen a couple of posts in the last 48 hours that make me wonder if it oculd be the latter.
I have stopped trying to build the nextPageToken process for the moment and built a simple front end call with just one field to keep things simple for debugging. I also added a step just before the list is fed ot the back end in which I capture the raw body data. What I found surprizing is that the raw body data looks very different from what is getting fed into the backend.
Raw Body
Backend Workflow List
I am using v3 of the Google Drive API which allows me to specify which fields I pull in from the API. This is useful as it allows me to build a “flat” Json file (that Bubble can handle. The backend workflow seems to be fed or has a map to all of these. At one point I was able to dynamically pick the fields and it worked but I might have changed something to make that problematic, Can anyone shed some light on this for me.
You cannot see the whole window for the fields parameter values that I used so I am including them here.
fields : nextPageToken, incompleteSearch, “files(id,kind,mimeType,starred,description,trashed,explicitlyTrashed,name,trashedTime,viewedByMe,thumbnailVersion,parents,iconLink,spaces,viewedByMeTime,version,hasThumbnail,webViewLink,createdTime,modifiedTime,sharedWithMeTime,teamDriveId,folderColorRgb,driveId,shared,modifiedByMeTime,modifiedByMe,fullFileExtension,originalFilename,fileExtension,quotaBytesUsed,md5Checksum,contentHints,headRevisionId,size)”
As one of the changes I made after I had it working was to add nextPageToken and incompleteSearch. So I tried reinitializing with just the fields : files(id, description…)
but it did not make any difference.
Here are some more screen shots to help get a better picture of what I am doing in the cut down debug page and set of workflows. Thanks in advance for your help with this.
Please pick a subcategory to help organize the information. Thanks!
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