Best approach to display Images from S3 to use in bubble

I have a huge large list of images,I’m planning to use them in bubble ( ie… show random image…etc )
so i decided that i will upload them to my s3 personal account first then use the URL of these images in bubble.
I have two options:
1- export the metadata ( URLs) of these images and upload them in bubble database ( might be tedious work)
2- using the AWS API with the file option to display it directly from there ( not sure about this? might have to pay extra fee aws or bubble?)

I hope my thinking is on the right direction , if that the case, please advise me on which option would be best to do in this case?

If you do (2) i’m pretty sure you’re missing out on some core Bubble magic (dynamic image resizing). It’s hard to test. Test it and let us know what you find.

Happy Bubblin’!

Edit: not “resizing” in the dimensional sense, but “resizing” in the compression sense. (But also both.)

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i dont mind in this case, but i’m afraid of the performance,
i will be doing random sorting then showing the image to each user.
doing the do search then random sorting to a huge record, i think it will be very slow,
on the other hand the API will require a lot of API calls, but i think it will be faster

Thank you very much by the way, i appreciate it