Show images from S3 on My App RG?

I want to use the S3 storage to upload 200+ Image files. How do I pull in all those image and show it on my RG. Is there an easy way to do it?

Please help

sorry i forgot to explain this in the other comment I put in your other profile. I believe you need to create a data set and save the uploaded link there so your image elements can pull those urls. I believe this same method is used if a user wants to delete an uploaded file!

Thanks for help bro. Would I have to add the uploaded link individually for 200+ images? Is there a way to automate it?

With api’s it may be possible. I’ve gone through a similar issue with 7000+ items before. I ended up doing them mostly by hand. Some with a bit of really janky automation. For 200 items I know it sounds painful but if you’re not using a plan with api functionality, you may need to do it by hand. I’m not too familiar with AWS though so maybe look around and see if you can upload a csv of the data.

Do you recommend uploading it on Bubble or AWS?

uploading what exactly? the url’s should be held in bubbles database.