I want my users to paste in a list of email addresses and for bubble to recognise that as a list and create accounts for these addresses. Can’t figure out how to manipulate it. The lists could be long, tens or hundreds, I want to avoid the user inputting it manually. A simple paste and click is as much as I can ask of them.
I know I can do this by getting the user to import a .csv but I want to make this as simple as possible for them. Their eyes generally glaze over if I mention spreadsheets.
Is the list going to be comma separated? or enter separated? If comma separated, just do a split by, if enter separted, use regex to find and replace the enters with commas then do a split by
Hey! Thanks a million both of you. @paul29 I used the split by, as you suggest above, but was able to just hit the return key in the ‘split by’ dialogue box and that worked. Superb!
@flusk I initially thought that was too complex for me, but I actually have another use for the example you provided which is so serendipitous!! Looks like Regex is a much more powerful & useful tool than I had thought previously. This opens things up for me.
Anyway, thanks both of you, I really appreciate you taking the time to sort this for me.
Hi again. I’m trying out that regex stuff, to see if I can extract info from a long string but can’t get it right. In my test, I am trying to extract the text between ‘Name’ and ‘phen’ of the following text: “First Name: Stephen”
I have used the regex pattern (?<=Name ).*(?= phen)
But it is outputting nothing. SCreenshots might help below. Am I doing something silly here?
I sort of scalped the regex pattern from that website stackoverflow (regex - Regular expression to get a string between two strings in Javascript - Stack Overflow).
That worked!!! I switched out the phen with [\r\n] too - I now have away to paste in my multi line data and peel a set of inputs from the text. Absolutely delighted - thanks so much!