Bubble DB / Xano DB / Supabase DB

Hey everyone, I have a question about databases of theses apps. I’ve been interesseted on using other databases (such as Xano or Supabase) and noticed that the time of fetching data is sometimes longer when fetching other data.

To get the data of exterior DBs, I’m using the plugin of Bubble : API connector.
Using Supabase’s DB, it takes around 0.5 to 1 sec longer than Bubble’s DB, whereas Xano’s DB is usually faster. Also for example with Supabase, the server is located in France, which is where I am, and Bubble’s data are located in the USA.

Can any of you explain why ? Thanks in advance !

Hello everyone

I am interested in your feedback also

Thank you very much

The performance depends on whether the client directly queries the database or if Bubble’s backend handles the database communication (for external databases). Generally, retrieving data from Bubble’s native database is faster, as it’s likely hosted in the same AWS infrastructure or in close proximity to where the data is stored and accessed. However, if you’re dealing with large data volumes or applying complex backend functions to the response, you’ll find that Bubble’s built-in database underperforms compared to the other mentioned databases.

Great thank you for your help and the explications