Bubble security question (App under maintenance)

Hello Bubble community,

I’m planning to set up an “Under Maintenance” feature for my app to handle potential issues post-launch (as it’s almost inevitable something will break at some point!).

I had a couple of ideas but wanted to check how secure and practical they might be:

  1. Full-Screen Popup: Displaying a fullscreen popup with no close button. However, it seems someone could inspect the page’s elements and easily dismiss it.
  2. Redirect on Page Load: Using a workflow like When page is loaded and "under maintenance" is true → navigate to domain.com/under-maintenance. Could tools like Burp Suite intercept this redirection and allow someone to remain on the original page?

(To add, i dont have elements visable when current user is not logged in so maybe do something with that workflow?)

How have you implemented or recommend handling this kind of feature in a secure way? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you! :pray:

What I do is:

  1. When page is under maintence, all users are loged out and redirected to index.
  2. A popup is shown in index, explaining about the maintenance.
  3. Inside the login workflow, users can’t login while maintence is ON.

If you want to go crazy about it, you need to implement this restriction also in your privacy rules…

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Ah good idea to log the user out! Thanks for the good idea

make sure to log them out of all sessions!