Is it possible to do a simple calculator in bubble ?
2 input boxes, 1 button and 1 textbox for result ?
When pressing button then calulate the result of inputbox1 + inputbox2 and show in textbox result ??
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Is it possible to do a simple calculator in bubble ?
2 input boxes, 1 button and 1 textbox for result ?
When pressing button then calulate the result of inputbox1 + inputbox2 and show in textbox result ??
Best Regards
it’s possible as long as you set the input types of the input boxes to be integer not text
Can’t find anywhere in workflow the possibilty to add to values together
Best Regards
It’s through data, if you’re using either custom states or a data field as a number type then when you go to edit or set it in the workflow then you get the object to add, minus, divide or times either a dynamic or fixed value
Hope this helps
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