The origin of my plugin is this type of thing, of course. But doing this with repeating groups is really bad, performance-wise (because they are just not optimized for this type of application). Also, you very nearly cannot build the dynamic range picking stuff (and there’s no way in bubble to do cute stuff like the hover-on-range picking stuff that CG Pro does).
Basically, I built a really cool SaaS that’s all about calendaring and date picking and stuff and built it in Bubble. But it’s just proof-of-concept (even though it has lots of paying customers). To get it to that next level, I’ve recoded all of the learnings from that into a plugin for performance and ease-of-maintenance.
And I’ve made that same plugin available commercially to others who have a similar need.
It’s definitely worth understanding how to do the custom calendar stuff with repeating groups in Bubble – it’s very instructive (in terms of upleveling your Bubble skills, understanding date/time objects… but it’s also very informative about the limits of built-in elements in Bubble).
When I first went to build my app, I was like, “Surely there is an element like this that can do this stuff without me having to bang my head against the desk for several months.” But this was not the case.
And, in actuality, at the time I started building GRUPZ (my app), there was in fact NO solution in ANY language that was anything like what is offered in Calendar Grid Pro.
Airbnb had not yet open sourced their calendar system (React Dates) and their calendars at that time were not very well thought out. React Dates came out while I was working on GRUPZ and did not have the single-pane range picking like I pioneered in GRUPZ. It was only after I’d been showing that around that someone working on React Dates was like, “Oh yeah, you don’t actually have to click two date inputs to select a range.”
So yes, what I’m saying is that I, in fact, invented this type of range picking. It was super duper hard to prototype in Bubble – almost not worth the effort, but I learned a bunch of other stuff that made it possible to build CG Pro. Sometime soon, I’ll be introducing the Time Grid companion for that that allows interactive single-pane picking of nearly any type of time interval. It’s good stuff.
Again, you can build it in Bubble, but it will not perform very well, especially on mobile devices (and also you have to get your head around timezone and locale-awareness – which shouldn’t be stuff that people should have to learn unless they are core to one’s app).