Can I use SQL database?

Can I use an external SQL database instead of the bubble native database?

@pbost2002 Yes you can. There is a free plugin that Bubble has provided and we built a paid plugin for those users who need more advanced SQL functionality.

You can find that here: SQL Database Connector Pro Plugin | Bubble

We also have some documentation on configuring the standard (free) Bubble plugin here: Configure SQL Connector - SQL Database Connector Pro

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@NigelG There are a number of good reasons to use a SQL backend. I’ll give you one really valid example. Converting an application to Bubble which already has a SQL backend with a lot of data that would be quite a pain to migrate over to the Bubble DB.

However, we (and most others on this forum) recommend using the default Bubble database unless you have a very specific need like the one I mentioned above.

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In my opinion, this step should flow in two different ways.
In case your application needs to go from a small application to an enterprise application with large data size requirements
In the case of bubble applications that need to be converted into traditional programs

Dear Nigel, i’ve customer using legacy ERP in industry and telco , want to add features for mobile sales.
ERP work on Oracle, MsSQL and not easy with billion row to import in bubble.
I hop we had a small training for best practice.
Thanks for you job . :+1: