Can you make a shape function similar to a checkbox

I know you can edit inputs and I also know that drop downs and checkboxes are a features that can track information but is there anyway to make a shape be a trackable data option?

An example, if someone were describing the color of something, where I want to show the color and just have them select the color that is most accurate, how would I be able to log that in the saved user data?


Your question is very vague. Can you explain step by step what you want to achieve. You seem to have multiple questions related to the same project.

I do have multiple questions for the same project but they’re no related. In this situation I just want to know if I can make a shape function similar to a check box. Where when the user clicks on it it can save the data that’s tied to the shape in the same way it would be for a check box.

Here’s the link if you want to see what I have. It’s pretty straight forward I would just prefer not to have to use check boxes, drop downs or inputs on this page but I would like to track the selections the user makes.

Your app is set to anyone can edit, might want to change to anyone can view

I appreciate that. I set it that way because I am waiting for help on another post. :slight_smile: I will change it back as soon as I get assistance on that.

I just made a quick ugly example to show how you can make your own checkboxes with groups. , for dropdowns you can do the same with repeat groups and group focus. ,

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Hi @shondranicole :slight_smile: Are these examples similar to what you have in mind?

Change the background color of a repeating group cell to show it’s selected:

Select a color from a color palette and add it to the database:

Thanks! I guess i’m not being clear though which is my fault. Or maybe I’ll just need to play around with the work you did. In any case, I would like to “select” a shape (or a check box that looks like the shape I designed" and have it function like a checkbox. Sending the information associated with the “shape” (which would be the text “selection”) to save for the user.

I know how to do it with a check box. For example I have three check boxes that are “yellow” “red” “blue” which the user selects Yellow. Because the checkbox is a text selection, the Yellow data will save to the user information.

I would like that same thing to happen while having a box showing a shade of yellow with the whole shape being the selection (or the check box associated with the shape not being visible). If you take a peak at the page that I linked above, I think it will be a little more clear. I want each of the shapes to be selectable so that when the user logs their data and saves it, the information is able to be reviewed at a later time but the user.

I’ve seemed to have lost the link but wanted to respond that the links that were just posted not too long ago are closer to what I want! I will read those threads and play around with it. Thanks so much for giving me a starting point because I was so lost!!

This was exactly what I was looking for something like this link you shared on the thread

I am assuming I can make each botton a color and then that once the “save button is selected” that any selections would save to the dataabse

Sorry about that @shondranicole! I had posted the wrong links before and removed them, but here are the correct ones I think! :slight_smile:

Food custom state example


Use buttons as radio buttons example


Select colors from color picker and save to database example


Right! :slight_smile: In this example, the Current User selects a button (that’s within a repeating group), but you could put any element in that cell (a button, shape, group, icon) and change it conditionally when it’s selected. Here is a step-by-step:

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Sorry for all the questions. When I save that information, would I set it to make changes to a thing or create a new thing if I wanted to create chart or log the data so that the user could review the inputs from that day for that specific thing (for my app that would be diaper output).

No worries at all! :slight_smile: So for your app, Users will create “Diaper Entries” multiple times per day? And you want to then display that data in different graphs based on the categories?

So a bit of background just so I’m being clear, the user would ideally track different categories (feeding, diapers etc) throughtout the day. I’d like to display that information back to the user (of same day and previous days inputs) in graph form. So Yes, users would ideally be making multiple entries of different categories. For this one page, we’re tracking urine volume, color, smell as well as stool size, color and texture (amazing I know!). The average user using this portion of the app should be logging the diaper categories roughly 6 or more times a day. Same thing with the other categories such as feeding and sleep. I am a bit loss as to whats the next step once I figure out the button situation, which is still giving me troubles. Lol. But I figure because each day would need to be accessed, that it would be creating a new thing vs updating a current thing right?

And I am following along with the button for radio button tutorial and have set the custom states and did all the stuff to get the dynamic inputs correct. I am SO lost at where you put the names of the device. I can not find the actual names of “mobile” or “desktop” at all in your whole set up!

I’ve found where you have the device names. You log the user’s device and have it as it’s own category in the app data. For my app, the users will be starting with zero data related to any of the categories I am tracking and the information is variable so I don’t have anything to dynamically fill that button. Would putting a static display do the same thing?

I’ve attempted to follow you same set up, but here’s the main issue i’m finding. 1) The display text will be the volume amount which is going to be different in each of the buttons of the repeating group, which would be equivalent to your names. You’re accessing names of the devices in the app from user data.

I am sure a smarter person than I could easily solve the problem but i’ve only been on bubble less than a week. :D. Do I just have make a data type that only says “volume” = Text in the app data? If it helps you to search around my app if you have time to see what I am saying , I don’t mind at all. I can see why you did what you did for your app, I just can’t translate it yet to mine because I , as the creator, am
generating the information for the user vs gathering user data to access. I feel like I am close to figuring out it so maybe all I need is some sleep!

Everything you need to know about checkboxes, but were afraid to ask:

Yes, it would be a new Diaper Entry each time the Current User fills out that form :slight_smile: (You could also have a field within the User data type called “List of Diaper Entries” (type: Diaper Entry, list: yes). Then, after new Diaper Entries are created (using "Create a New Thing), you can add that new Diaper Entry to the Current User’s “List of Diaper Entries” field using the Make Changes to a Thing action)

At first glance, I think one way would be to have two data types with the following fields:

  1. Diaper Form (1 Thing in the database would have all of the options you’ve manually created on that page, and you would display that Diaper Form Thing’s data every time a User fills out the Diaper form)
    Wet Volume Options (type: number, list: yes)
    Wet Color Options (type: text, list: yes)
    Wet Odor Options (type: text, list: yes)
    Dirty Size (type: text, list: yes)
    Dirty Color Options (type: text, list: yes)
    Dirty Texture Options (type: text, list: yes)

  2. Diaper Entry (these new Things are created each time a User creates a new entry, and the values of this thing will be based on the selected Diaper Form values)
    Date & Time (type: date, list: no)
    Wet Volume (type: number, list: no)
    Wet Color (type: text, list: no)
    Wet Odor (type: text, list: no)
    Dirty Size (type: text, list: no)
    Dirty Color (type: text, list: no)
    Dirty Texture (type: text, list: no)

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Aaand, now I see this question is apparently about poop color or something. Kill me.

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Ha! Yea! LoL. It’s a human milk feeding app. Poop is a major part of parent life! :rofl:

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