Can't find a way to replace navigation using dropdowns with clicking on images in repeating group

Hello. I hope someone can help. I am trying to change the way users navigate in a very simple app. Today, they select a destination (country) in a drop down and based on the entry in the option set selected, they see a second drop down with a list of events (everything stored neatly in a database) .They can then select an event and then see details for that event. I would like to replace the need to select options in the two interlinked drop downs with clicking on images in repeating groups to make navigation more elegant. I am trying to use a custom state but can’t make it work… Not sure what I am doing wrong. Thanks a lot

Found the answer. Watched the custom state video again and it is all there :wink: I love Bubble! So powerful! I was calling custom state the wrong way

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