I am trying to submitting my first template. But when submitting a pricing field does not appear. Can I set a price once approved?
You have to click Submit Template, then click edit. Very bad UX, I know.
You mean click edit on the template of my templates overview? (See screenshot) That’s the only edit I can find. But then it takes me to the app itself were I cannot find a pricing field in the settings. I saw a screenshot of another user here on the forum were the price field is in the submit form.
@j.poolman The price input appears to be missing in some newly created templates. We are looking into this.
Ahhh ok, thanks!
Sorry, the plane icon, you’ll see a field below it.
I did the same as you did and got rejected with my first template. I built a contact form with email workflow for my very first project.
I’m curious what bubble has to say on your menu. Does it have any workflows?
I will let you know. First the bug needs to be solved. I have a few tiny workflows.
We have pushed a fix. You will now see a ‘Price’ icon where you can select price for a Commercial template.
Hi Neerja,
I can see the price icon now. Only thing is that the system is saying that I cannot set a price because the template is not commercial. But I submitted with commercial license. Is this another bug or does the template needs to be improved first?
@j.poolman We are looking into this
I checked and it’s working now. Thanks!
How long does ik take to approve my template?
Templates are reviewed and approved by our team on a rolling basis.
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