Car Sales / Sold a Car Previously / Anything to do with Cars


If anyone has had any experience in the car sales industry, please reply to this. I am trying to make a car buying app and I would like as much feedback and input as possible.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Car salesman
  • Worked for a Dealership/Car Company
  • If you have sold your car privately before
  • If you have searched the internet for a new car/ currently are

I just have some questions and would like to bounce ideas with someone who may have more knowledge.

Any help is greatly appreciated. I’m just 17 and I’m trying to do something with my skills, so I’d appreciate any help and advice from you.

Even if you don’t have experience, but you have a neat & unique idea(s), please let me know!

I had a stent at a CDJR (Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, RAM) dealership selling new and used vehicles. Can’t promise I’ll provide much great insight, but down to help answer any questions I can.


That’s exactly what would help me here. How do you want me to communicate w/ you?

I appreciate your help!

Sure, just DM me a list of your questions and I’ll answer them as soon as I can.

Awesome. I appreciate your help!

Just sent the Message. :muscle:

Just following up :slight_smile:

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