Hi guys, I want users to be able to add social links to their profile and these should be centre aligned… example below. I can do the Icon piece, I just need to do the alignment piece. Any clues?
Hi guys, I want users to be able to add social links to their profile and these should be centre aligned… example below. I can do the Icon piece, I just need to do the alignment piece. Any clues?
Sounds similar to this post. If you can live with them being left-aligned, it’s pretty straightforward, but center-aligned might require a CSS hack. I’d suggest keeping it simple.
But the icons will fill from left to right, meaning it won’t be truly in the middle as it’ll start slightly off middle due to the left aligned nature of the rg
What is the CSS hack?
@cornelius.de.jongh, you could give this plugin a shot. It should manage this for you and more.
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