Change Color of a group inside a repeating group


Sorry for my english, i will do my best.
So, i clearly need your help :

I have a page with two repeating group.
They are link together. The purpose is : when the user click on a cell of the first repeating group, then the second one display data, linked to the cell selected.
This is okey. But i just want, to change the color of the cell selected AND i want that when the user click on an another cell of the first repeating group, that the previous cell selected come back to the initial color. To be cleared, the first repeating group, should have only one cell with a different color.

I hope, you will understand my problem and that you will provide me a perfect anser :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance

I’m not 100% certain, but I don’t think you can alter the color of an individual RG cell.

But you CAN alter the color of a group. You could just put a group object in the cell and alter ITS color based on your needs.

Create a custom state somewhere (anywhere OUTSIDE of the RG), which is of the same type as the RG’s content type…

When an element inside the RG is clicked, set that custom state value to be the Current Cell’s Thing.

Then just add a condition to the Group within the cell, that when the Custom state value is the Current Cell’s thing, change the background colour.

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There’s a plugin called Orchestra. It does exactly what you need. Good luck

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Hello @adamhholmes

First: thanks for your answer.
But i dont succeed to do what you say.

1." Create a custom state somewhere (anywhere OUTSIDE of the RG), which is of the same type as the RG’s content type…"
Okey i have on group where the type of content is the same than the repeating group. This step is okey.

  1. “When an element inside the RG is clicked, set that custom state value to be the Current Cell’s Thing.”
    Impossible. i cant select any term of your sentence in a workflow. I cant select the custom state, i cant select the current cell’s thing…

  2. No problem for the condition. i have don it on other custom states.

if you can show me with a screenshot the workflow it would bee great ! Thanks in advance

Hello @Perfect perfect,

Thanks for your answer.
I am trying to understand how to use it.
If you got sometimes, could you explain me on a Teams meeting? ( there is not a lot of documentation…)

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Impossible. i cant select any term of your sentence in a workflow. I cant select the custom state, i cant select the current cell’s thing…

Unless I’m completely misunderstanding what you’re asking, it should be as simple as this:

Change RG Group Colour (

Is that what you’re asking about? Or is there more to your question?

hello @adamhholmes THANK YOU A LOT!

it was nothing for you but it was a lot for me :slight_smile:
I have understood some much just with this simple example ! now i understand why everyone tell to put custom state on the page and how it can be used. thanks mate and thanks to have done the exercice !

have a good day !

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Hey apologies I’ve weirdly enough not been able to program for the past few days.

Do you still need help with your problem?

Do you still need help with setting up the orchestra? We can set up a teams call and work through it

Hello @drixxon ,

Thanks for your answer, but the problem has been solved with custom state.

However, if you think that orchestra can provide some good tips for other thing, i would like to scedule a teams metting to let you show me how it can be used :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance.

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