Although I am aware that it is possible to provide a drop-down for selection of admin and user on the app signup page, but is there another way if one doesn’t want to show admin option to all users?
It depends on what the criteria are for what you want to show. You can use Conditions on Elements to show or hide them, change their data, etc. based for example on who the current user is.
I am using conditions on elements to show or hide them and that is not the issue.
The issue is that the Admin is not a part of my native app and it’s not in the group of the native app, admin is on a new page (rest entire app is on a single page called index).
On my index page, at login, there is an option to select the user type, say user type A and user type B, here I don’t want to provide another user type ‘admin’ as it will be quite unnecessary and will be used only by me/ my admin. But in doing this I am getting the above mentioned error message.
Is there a way to resolve it?
The easiest way is to just remove that workflow step. If Admins aren’t going to be accessing the page at all on a mobile app, then don’t even give the option. That should make the error go away.