Change string using find and replace

Hi fellow bubblers

i have a situation here

i am having one table in bubble which has a list of text field. like following

if i change B to Alex and after that when i will change A to Sean it witll change Alex to Seanlex.

So any guidance how to resolve this issue. i am using following workflow

transcription speakers


you just need the first, single character, or?

i want to replace all A with the name i give…

like for instance if i change B with Alex…and then if i change A with sean it will change Alex with seanlex

i will explain more this scenario.

This A,B and C are the speaker labels returned from a speech to text api. that returns A,B,C and following.

i am detacting speaker names and replace label (eg. “B”) with his name. so all the B in list of text with be replaced by name (e.g “Alex”). now when i changing speaker label A with Sean it will change Alex with Seanlex as there is an A in Alex

i’d certainly check this out and revert u back in 5. appreciate man

Nope not working


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