ChatGPT integration, user data issues

Hi all. It’s my first time on Bubble but learning fast. I built a chatbot-like app using this tutorial and it worked beautifully! GPT-4 Chatbot with Bubble - OpenAI chat and text generation | Tutorials | - YouTube

However, when deployed any user can see the other users’ data and entries. I tried to change the privacy settings, but now the API connection no longer works:

"The service Open AI - Send message just returned an error (HTTP 400). Please consult their documentation to ensure your call is setup properly. Raw error:

“error”: {
“message”: “None is not of type ‘object’ - ‘messages.1’”,
“type”: “invalid_request_error”,
“param”: null,
“code”: null

Does anybody know how to resolve the issue? Many thanks!!

Ha, it’s sorted! Turned out my privacy settings were wrong. It’s working perfectly!

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Hi Jessica,

I’m stuck here too, and I’m clearly missing something with Privacy Rules! Any help would be much appreciated!

I need to pass OpenAI an image URL. But I want those images to be private. So I set up the below Privacy Rule

And it passes the URL correctly:

But it looks like OpenAI isn’t granted access to the file (and I also don’t have access)

I get the same 400 error, with the Log saying “OpenAI - Vision Meme just returned an error (HTTP 400). Please consult their documentation to ensure your call is setup properly”

Backend workflow below should ignore Privacy

Any ideas?
