Check if value exists in a list of Things

I have a Text element. How can I check if the Text value is in a field of a list of Things?

Text: abc

Thing 1’s fieldA – def

Thing 2’s fieldA – ghi

Thing 3’s fieldA – jkl

Thing 4’s fieldA - mno

Result here should be: “not in list”

But if Text value: “def” then result “exists in list”

This is for an element condition.

The only approach I can find that might work for this is using the Condition:

Do a Search Things’ fieldA first item contains Element’s value or Do a Search Things’ fieldA second item contains Text value or… etc etc.

But this would be very longwinded as I have a large number of Things to check. Is there a better way?

Hi there, @Louis-1832… if I understand your post correctly, you won’t be able to refer to the text element itself in the condition because you can’t get the value of a text element directly from the element. So, I set up an example that puts the value that appears in the text element into a custom state on page load, and with the custom state in place, this condition on an element seems to do what you described.


Anyway, apologies if I missed the mark here, but I hope this helps.



Thanks Mike.

If I’m not mistaken your method requires that every fieldA in the list of Things contains the Text value for the condition to be True.

However, I want it to check if one fieldA in the list of Things contains the Text value for the condition to be True.

You are mistaken. :slight_smile:

If you give something similar to what I showed a shot, you should get the desired result. How do I know that? I actually tested it.

You’re right, it does work. Thanks for that!

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