Click-up on Producthunt :)


Click-up is on Product Hunt today, would love an upvote :+1: or more importantly your feedback- good or constructive :slight_smile:

Made thanks to Bubble :heart::+1: @emmanuel


Simple and useful web app, great work. Upvoted!

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Thanks dude!

Looks great. Upvoted!

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Upvoted, very nicely done!

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Nice work! The site seems pretty quick to load. What Bubble plan are you on? Did you do anything to optimize load time?

Thanks man : ) Basic plan, I never have any problems with speed tbh :man_shrugging:

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upvoted! :slight_smile:

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Really amazing work, @pauljamess! Upvoted! :slight_smile:

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Interesting concept, makes me think of @petter’s app.

It’s weird that this hasn’t taken off yet in general.

Solid design :+1:

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Looks great!

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Not to detract from the awesomeness of this being built with Bubble… but why would you name your product Clickup when there is already a well established product (for project management) named Clickup?

I use Clickup and so almost gave birth (thinking it was created with Bubble) before realising you had used the same name for your product.

+1 Vote for Awesome Product
-1 Vote for Poor Market Research