Conditional on Reusable Popup not working

Hello fellow Bubblers, already filed a bug report, but maybe someone has encountered this as well and has some suggestions.

Loom recording of possible bug

I would like to be able to avoid using a workflow to show/hide a reusable popup. Using the demo, you can see, using the Inspector, that when we click the “Using Conditional” button, the inspector shows that the popup condition turns green and should be visible, but nothing happens on screen.

The “Using workflow” button/method works, but I don’t understand why the conditional method wouldn’t work, which is why I filed the bug report.

Any comments/suggestions appreciated.

Viewable Editor here: B2b-popup | Bubble Editor
Test App here:

There are two reusable popups, one using the workflow, this works. The other using conditional “when show is yes element is visible ”, this one doesn’t work.

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