Confirmation email


I’m having trouble with the confirm email link. I have selected and send email to confirm email but the link does not seem to work once clicked. I have set a custom page to load but once I click on the link it says ‘This site cannot be reached’

and the error at the bottom is DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
Thanks heaps,

Hi Adam! Is your app’s domain set up properly? Go to Settings > Domain/Email and see if Bubble’s still trying to connect to your domain. Also, have you done anything to the email settings in this same page?

Gaby at Coaching No Code Apps (formerly Coaching Bubble)

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Hi Gaby! It says on my domain page that my domain is working and ready to go, I have also not changed anything with my emails. The same error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN server IP address could not be found. happens when I click a link to reset my password also :confused:

Hm, and when you go to your app’s custom domain on its own, it loads fine? I’d actually file a bug report for this one:

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Hey Gabby could you show me how I may alter verification badges for my user on my page and have it move with the longer the name gets?

Hey @robrian15, I need a bit more detail about what a “badge” is (image? Icon?) and what you have currently.

I can guess that you’ll need to create multiple versions of this badge to fit different length names using conditions. Maybe. I’m just guessing for now.

PS - could you post this question as its own topic? It’s not relevant in this one which makes it harder for those who might have the same question later to find. :slight_smile:

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I just submitted a bug report thanks for your assistance. :grinning:

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