Confused on user graph

So I have no idea on how to use graphs on bubble. I need to know how I can do it so a graph can show how many accounts were made in a certain date

I have tried to do it. It wasn’t a bad guess but doesn’t work. As it goes by time rather than date


With your current set up you are only display each value individually in the chart. What you need to do is use grouping to (sorry to repeat myself) group those users by months.

These features of grouping and aggregation were major game-changer for bubblers using charts like a year ago. So you should look for forum posts explaining how to use it.

Anyway I recreated what you are needing and here was the result and the setup I used, you can simply copied it (of course change the “dummy” values for the real user and creation values).

Set Up and result (the chart displays the users grouped by month and with the “y” value showing the count of users created that specific month):

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

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Thank you ever so much :slight_smile: