Connect a User using custom ID


Is there any way I can create a User that does not have an email in data base for example children. Their parents might have an email, but children usually don’t, nontheless, they also need to access their UI, independantly of their parents UI.

Thank you

This is possible using a fake email if you don’t need email validation.
let’s say user name entered by parent is: mykid1
you create an account for someone else with and assign a password (random or entered by paren)

Hmm, this does’nt seem professionnaly deliverable…
I was thinking something like “” / “date of birth” / “password”.

On second thought, it might work

And also, I should’ve explain a bit what I am trying to create, my bad.

I am trying to create an app that lets School principals register children in their school. So It’s the school administrators that registers children.

How would they generate a password for children ? Maybe my app can generate a generic password for children, so that the children can manually change it once logged in the first time ?

It doesn’t matter the look of the first part of the email. You choose (according to email allowed characters) the username.

You can have an input for kids to enter their username and when they log in, you just login with the input’

There’s nothing wrong with that, this email won’t be used and will not appear anywhere. It’s just allow user to login using Bubble auth.