I just recently changed my domain name on my app, the only change I made. Now it’s constantly prompting me for the username password to access the app. On just about every refresh.
App is acessible except for the excessive prompting so DNS settings seem to be right, I think there has to be bug or improper setup that’s causing it to not view me as logged in as a cookie or something somewhere?
It’s not just me it’s my other developers getting this as well. We are on an agency plan currently.
in settings uncheck the box to limit access using password and username…your first screen shot shows you have it checked and the password and username are filled in.
This one was easy and kind of a no-brainer! But I didn’t see anyone’s solution up so I’m going to leave this here.
Clear your cookies! haha.
Had the whole dev team do this and not seeing the issue right now. However it’s Friday night for me so I’ll report back if this is still an issue when we are in the office.