I want do a search across 80,000 records and return the first 9000 results. How do I do this server side? “items until #” filter is on the client side, not server side.
Background: I am trying to make changes to records in a datatype. There are 80,000 total records and around 50,000 that match my query. It’s causing my app to time out, so I’m breaking up the search into sizes smaller than 10,000 since that’s the postgress list limit.
make changes to list of records operator is not designated for updating this large number of records.
You may want to consider using a Back-end workflow.
If theres certain records some users aren’t supposed to see, I would recommend tightening your privacy rules first.
Otherwise, you could use a recursive workflow or schedule on a list and do 100 records at a time
Also, if you have any images in your datatype or anything thats increasing the payload size, you could split these into seperate datatypes, this returns the amount of data stored in your table and will lead to quicker search results