Unfortunately it does not work in my case and I don’t know why. I have played with the code but I cannot managed to make it work and I ran out of ideas.
Here is the raw JSON from the API call:
“_id”: “657c78a22bfb63b0211cc600”,
“slug”: “test”,
“description”: “This is a description”,
“owner”: “657c78982bfb63b0211cc5ff”,
“archived”: false
Or why can’t you just Create a new thing and set slug using that API response’s data? Or are you saying that response is text so you can’t access the data?
I used the API Connector to get the first Object from an actual API request. What I am trying to do now, is build another Object from a JSON without making another request.
→ Or why can’t you just Create a new thing
I don’t want to use the Bubble database. The goal is to achieve everything with cache/memory.
→ Or are you saying that response is text
No, the API respond with JSON, so I have no issue to create the first Object type. The issue is the reverse: create an Object type with an arbitrary JSON or stringified JSON