Convert nested JSON into database entries

Thanks @amer ! I had checked this one out before as well and given it a shot.

I think the issue I’m having is that I want to turn this:
{ “item1”: { “nestedKey1”: “nestedValue1” } },
{ “item2”: { “nestedKey2”: “nestedValue2” } },
{ “item3”: { “nestedKey3”: “nestedValue3” } }

Into three database entries, each of which have a field called “JSON” that should have:
Entry 1. { “item1”: { “nestedKey1”: “nestedValue1” } }
Entry 2. { “item2”: { “nestedKey2”: “nestedValue2” } }
Entry 3. { “item3”: { “nestedKey3”: “nestedValue3” } }

And each of those JSONs may have different keys and structures.

I’m looking into it more, and I realise the issue I’m having may be that ‘raw body text’ - which I think I could use - doesn’t actually get returned properly, so all I’m getting is ‘nulls’.

Looks like it may be a bug or I’m doing something wrong. Will dig into it deeper: