CORE Workflow errors stop working - time out occurs


Sorry you’re experiencing an unexpected behavior. The general rule with the Bug category is as follow:

  1. If you’re not sure it’s a bug, and want confirmation from the community, please go ahead and post here
  2. If you’re 100% sure this is a bug, because you see a message ‘We’ve hit a temporary bug’ or if an action never ends, go straight to our Bug Report Form, it’s a better way to tell us about the issue so that w can fix it.

Sorry about the bug!

CORE Workflow errors stop working - time out occurs:

If you login with wrong credentials ( eg. email OK - password NOK ) usually you receive a CORE (INVALID_LOGIN_CREDENTIAL) corresponding standard message like “ We didn’t find an account with those login credentials” and workflow stop and lets you check and correct your credentials. Within the LOG you usually find a Workflow errror and description (We didn’t find an account with those login credentials).

for some time this no longer works, the application crashes. however the error is regularly reported in the LOGS !!!

note: The BUG occurred simultaneously in all my applications where I use a standard Bubble Signup / Login procedure

Thanks for your support

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