Hi, I have a Field that is a List of Completed Jobs. How do I construct a search that shows me how many Users have precisely one Job in their list?
e.g. - My search on the below should give me a Count of 1 - (User 3)
User 1: Completed Jobs [List] = A, B, C
User 2 Completed Jobs [List] = W, X, Y, Z User 3: Completed Jobs [List] = H
User 4: Completed Jobs [List] = {empty}
I seem to only have the options of Is Empty and Isn’t Empty
Try using the advanced filter, people hate me for recommending it because it’s client side search (considered slower) but try it. Of course ignore the “Work Order” and “Work Order Item” and replace those with “Tradie” and “Completed Jobs”. Don’t put any constraints on the search itself, just do the :filtered: after the search and pick “Advanced:” at the bottom of the constraint options.
Yep it’s for really complicated filters. Bubble recommends using constraints on the search as much as possible to narrow it down, then it would download all the results and filter it further on the client-side with the advanced filter.
So technically if you think some users would have no Completed Jobs, you could put “Isn’t empty” in your search constraint to at least filter out the people with 0 jobs before using the advanced filter