Count Words of text returned from an API

Hope someone can help with this problem I’ve been trying to solve all day.

I am trying to count the number of words returned from the text result of an external API. Then once the words are counted, I want to deduct that amount from the users “Credits”. I also use this text result from the API to update the state of a multi line input.

I’ve tried a couple of the word count plugins and have been close to solving this but neither of the plugins are working as required. An example is here: 🎛 New plugin - theCountable (now free) - #82 by ashley.russell77

My workflow would look something like this:

InputA > Sent to API > Result of API updates state of InputB > Words counted > Change thing (user credits) = credits - words counted.

The Words counted part is what I’m really stuck on right now.

Any suggestions would appreciated.

Make changes to [user], set credit field to This User's credits - Result of API's [text string]:split by (space):count?


Bro… I have no idea what that does but it worked! I can’t thank you enough.

What exactly is it the split thing doing in this expression?

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If you have a single text string AKA your paragraph the API returned, when you do :split by it turns it into a list of texts splitting by whatever character you want (in your case a space), now that it’s a list you can just count them by doing :count

If you needed to filter out “a” “to” “from” or whatever you don’t want to count as a word you can filter those out too before the count if needed

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All makes sense and so simple in the end, thank you again.

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