Create a list of items, where first item is a result of do a search for: first item

I have an API Call that expects to receive a list of items.
I am scheduling it in the frontend workflow.
This list needs to have a specific order, as later I order a loop to assign those items in specific order.

The final goal will be:
Do a search for (Activities): type 1, first item merge Do a search for (activities): (type 2), each item. - the goal here is to have a result of items: item 1 (from first search), item 2, item 3 (etc.)

After I do the first part:
Do a search for (Activities): type 1, first item - I cannot add anything to this element as it is not a list.

What syntax do I need to use here to get from this first item back to creating a list?

You can trick Bubble replacing the :first item by :items until #1 :sweat_smile:


This is the way to go.

For future reference, you can also use the :converted to list operator to convert a single items into lists. However when dealing with searches, the :item until #1 trick works best, because the result of a search is already formatted as a list. No need to convert it into a single item and back into a list.


I have a list of over 30 unusual bubble database problems and their solutions for bubble data logic, This one is going on the list as well.
Strange how this app sometimes behaves.