I’m new to Bubble, but so far have found it to be quite intuitive. I am stuck on something though.
I created a list of data from user inputs by the following expression (in change thing):
NameOfList add Search for [search expression that returns 20 or so results]
I see from my database that the list is there - about 20 items returned from the search expression are in the field, comma separated.
item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, and so on…
A later step is to return each item separately, but this is the result:
NameOfList:item #1 = Full list of all items, comma separated (item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, and so on…)
NameOfList:item #2 = Nothing
NameOfList:item #3 = Nothing
and so on…
I’m sure it’s something simple, I’ve searched the documentation and the forum but with no luck. Please help!