Hi! I´m trying to integrate a payment getaway via the Api conector but the method needs a normal array and a nested array.
How can I make that in the API connector? I´m trying to do it specifically via the JSON input field with keys enclosed in this: < >. But unable to achieve it so far. Here are some screenshots of how I´m trying to do it:
It is unclear from your screenshots if you are doing this at the connection level …
Headers - your attempt shows you are trying to send as urlencoded, although the header for it is possibly missing. The example shows sending as json, with two headers used, you could try that also, and then structure your json body as json instead of urlencoded.
Body Parameters - You’re likely coming up with Bubble’s limitation of only being able to express a list of one field, rather than a list of multiple fields from a thing. A workaround is to have previously created the text needed for each line item, so you can list from a single field.
Hi Mishav! thanks for your help! about your questions, yes I had been able tu run it successfully in Postman both in url-encoded and json way. Here are the screenshot for both cases in Postman: