Create cards to each user

Hey all !
i’ve been tried many things to achieve this result that i want without a success and i will be happy to help.
i’ve been trying to make an app that user can signup/login and each user can create a list of cards.
i have table of ‘user’ with fields -
image [image], first name [text], last name [text] and card [card]
and table ‘card’ -
image [image], link [text], title [text] and user [List of users]

when i create new card - i have this workflow:
create a new card →

Make changes to user →

now i want that each user present his own cards

but when i try to log off and log in with new user, i still see all the cards of the other user.

please any help - THANK YOU

Check your privacy rules

How are you “presenting” a user’s cards? Sounds like you might have a search in a repeating group or table without a user constraint or with an incorrect user constraint. Can you share a screenshot of your display logic?

Also, if a user is able to create multiple cards, you might want to replace the “card” field under the User type to a list. Otherwise, you’ll always be replacing that value with the most recent card. Right now that field is a single value.

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