I’m doing a POST call to receive back a JSON array, I would like to create a thing in the database for each of the things in the JSON array.
For example with my test API I’m scraping a website to collect a list of episodes. The JSON array is a list of episode. I need to create a new thing for each episode with a text.
The problem that I have now is that I’m able to create a list of things in the database but all the things created have all the titles of all the episodes inside and not just one.
This JSON array capture 51 episode and my result in bubble is 51 new row in the database but all the rows are with all the titles inside.
Here the wrong result I can achieve
I post here all my step:
Here the POST call
Here the JSON array captured
Here the thing I’m trying to create. Is just a thing with a title (scraper is the episode, sorry bad name choice)
Here the call from a button on my page
Here to schedule the API endpoint list after the call
Here the API enpoint settings
Here the “create a new thing”
And the result is not what I need because I just create 51 new records in the database (as needed) but all the records contains all the title and not only one (for each thing one different tile)
I think I’m doing a stupid error somewhere but after one day spent on this I really have no idea and I’m confused now.
Can anyone help me?