Creating a Blog

Hey I’m creating a blog.
I want to make it dynamic but the problem is:
Sometimes you want 15 images in your blog and sometimes you don’t want any images at all.
So suppose I have a post which contains a lot of infographics and charts and images but the other one doesn’t.

How do I structure it? Please help! @mikeloc @nocodeventure @ZeroqodeSupport

You can have a repeating group so when there is no images to display it won’t display any if none is added to your data

Database structure:

Data Types:

  • Blog: Post
  • Blog: Image → Related Post

Don’t put 15 images inside the Blog: Post data type, it will slow down your blog. Instead put a reference on the blog post inside the Image (Single Image)

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As per @nocodeventure excellent suggestion:

Title (text)
Content (text)

Title (text)
Image (image)
Post (post)

When images are needed search them referencing the post


Various ways to do it…I don’t use the methods described above and the images load quickly on my template

I use sections to get a completely dynamic and blog post structure and SEO benefits from H2 and H3 text elements as well as image alt text and captions.

If you are looking to implement a completely dynamic blog post structure and get a complete CMS at the same time, check out the template. The amount of time to build it far exceeds the time it would integrate into an existing project.

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Hi @cmarchan @nocodeventure

Can I use Rich text editor instead?

No experience with it

For that search do it once (in an rg placed in a popup that you never open) and feed the image elements with each image entry as needed

Yes. I use RTE. Easiest method IMO.

RTE doesn’t give you as much SEO benefit as you may want since the last time I checked, Bubble doesn’t support Header Tags, so you lose the opportunity for H1, H2 etc. which are helpful (every little bit helps) to SEO.

Also, there is not a real way to ensure, if you are creating this for your app users to create blog posts themselves, that the images that load through the RTE do not just become abandoned images in the file manager because once it is loaded by the RTE it is in your file manager regardless of the user deleting before saving…plus the BB code stored has the image as a base64 format, so you don’t access to the image URL to potentially delete it from the file manager later through a workflow.

Other drawbacks with images is no ability to get alt text, something else helpful to SEO, nor do you have a nice way to showcase a caption…additionally, not the easiest thing to change the position of things (try adding some images and then some text and switch positions; pretty impossible), so this isn’t ideal for making edits and accounting for possible decisions about where to place an image changing.

Overall, it is the easiest way to create a blog, but not the best approach especially if the reason you are creating a blog is for SEO benefits.

Check out how the template works in this video below


Hi @cmarchan but how do I show that to the audience?

Here is my app please if you can have a look.

I understand. So when a person clicks on the post it take him to the post page (that is a dynamic page) . Now how do I show those images out there? Suppose there’s a graphical illustration, and the product page has:

For title: parent group’s title
For featured image: parent group’s featured image
for content: parent’s group content

how do i structure it so if i want to place an image in between paragraphs. How do I show that in the dynamic page? @cmarchan @nocodeventure @levon


Thanks for tagging us.

Allow me to agree with the recommendations, given by the folks earlier, and recommend you them as well:

In case you want to collapse an image element on an article page when the database does not contain the image itself in the particular article, please place an “Image” element in your repeating group and set up the condition like this:

Best regards,
Zeroqode Support Team


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