I have a page that creates an invoice like quickbooks. Each invoice is a custom data type that is linked backed to the corresponding customer. For each line item that will have a (Name, QTY, Price, Discount, Total Price, and Taxable) Would I make a Data Type for line items and have to link it back to the corresponding invoice? Or is there another way to accomplish this?
yes each line item would be its own data type.
And each invoice has a list of line items.
To help you as a rule for creating new things in bubble
whenever you need a new excel sheet for all the new entries you would create a new thing
whenever you need a new column in a sheet you create a field.
That way a to do list app has lots of users (1 sheet with first name last name, username email etc)
and lots of lists (1 sheet with fields (columns): text and list of items; (text could be: shopping list, work list, cleaning list)
and each list has lots of items (name, due date, start date, with who to do it) eg banana, cucumber, milk for a shopping list.
Thanks! I was pretty sure that was the answer. I just didn’t want to make a to complicated database. It’s already seems like I have made it to complicated… lol
Hi I understand.
An example.
Imagine you have a forum site you created with bubble.
If you just want people to add one image to each text, like my comment here, then you would have a field image type image for every comment.
If you want lots of images for every comment (I can attach 3 photos) it would be a list of images (still type image so no new type created yet).
However, as soon as you want people to upvote images or add captions, suddenly just the image will not do and you need a new sheet/table where each image has a caption, list of upvoters etc.
Having lots of datatypes is not that uncommon.
Going back to todolists.
You could add a new “Team” sheet with each team having a title, list of users, admin
An integration sheet (thing) with links to integrations.
That does not worry bubble too much.
Just try to keep the amount of things on one page or in one group to a minimum. So that bubble does not have to do hundreds of queries at once. (Keep “do a search for” to a minimum. And rather use something like current users list of invoices or current items thing. )