Creating KPI Data

Hello Guys!

Im trying to display Data in Line Graph and im struggling with the Calculations.

All the Data are populated in on Dataset and lets assume i just want the Data from the last Week.

I want to display 5 Series and im working with the zeroqode Plugin where they need a List of Numbers for the Y Axis.

To be honest. I have no clue how to create a List of Numbers because im struggling with multiple problems.

I tried with Custom States but i have the Problem here that when the Result is the same they dont add to a List. I tried a Workaround where i calculated every Datapoint seperatly and added 0.01 - 0.07 and the adding all the results to a list but this would be extremly stupid to do that for 35 Datapoints.

This is the Data. Every Series is the Sum of Invite, Reply, Message,…

Anyone here who has ideas?

If the zeroqode plugin requires a list of numbers, than that plugin should provide a function to create a list of numbers.

If that plugin from zeroqode doesn’t provide it, than the free toolbox plugin provides a function for creating a list of numbers, and it is very easy and intuitive to use.

I think he means a list of numbers to use as the Y value and is struggling to get the correct data points

If I understand it correctly, your expression should look like this:

Do a search for Data: group by Sequence: count

This will group each sequence type and give respective count.

In the plugin there should be Series categories and Series Data#1, Series Data#2, etc fields. The categories (X-axis) will be the date starting from current date time +days: -6.

So you will need to group the data by created date and use the the expression to get the exact start date for the Category. (this is list of texts)

For the data #1, #2 and so on, the same grouping, but use constraint to filter according to the sequence. For example: Do a search where sequence is Invite and then group this data exactly how you do for the Category. for this grouping you would need aggregate, set this as count.

DM me up if you need help setting this up. Have setup lots of graphs last week.

Hi there! Thanks for the answer. So im slowly understanding how to use Group By now.
So Creating the X Axis is quite clear for me.
I still have the Problem to Create 7 Datapoints in total for the Y Axis for the 5 Series.
When im Using Group By with the Constraint of the Sequence and the Date i get the first Datapoint but how can i get like a Group By (List) with 7 Searches in Total for 7 Different Time Intervalls?

Yes, group by is a little tricky for the ones who start using it for the first time… Anyways, think of this as sth like you are a class teacher and you want to find out how many boys and girls joined your class each day last week. For example, July 20… now what group by does is, it will create another data type (sort of) named Grouping. Each grouping will have the list of students who are male and who are female. So one grouping will be of type Male and another Female.

Now for the case here, as you are going to group it by creation date, or may be the action taken date, as it seems to be sth like social media automation thing, the interval thing controls the start date and end date to use while creating the groupings, So do a search for activity where sequence is request sent grouped by date will give group the activity for each day. Day 1 has 4 entries means there will be a group for day 1 whose count is 4.

Just use this count… for the series data…
For the date filter. filter the data source while doing the Do a search

Let me know if you are able to crack this

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And yes there may be lots of Do a Search expressions, so use a hidden RG to do the search when page is loaded, or when the user is logged in, admin, etc… And then use client side filtering if you want to change the graph according to time filters, or any such… Show a loading screen if it takes a lot of time.
Example: YOu want to show the data for last month

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Thx for your explaination brother! This helped me a lot. So for the Date Range of a week this is easy.

I cant figure it out for a a bigger range for example for a month.

When im constraining the search for the last 30 days and Id like to Show 4 datapoints for example for the Count of Rows for each week.

Im trying to Group by the Date again but I choose Day and the range 7 Days it seems I can only calculate the sum for one range.

So do I have to create 4x do a search group by Date with each week intervall?

Or is there any way like the “exact Date” Route where the Aggregation Count will Count for every day?

I hope this will be my last question :smiley:

use the interval(days) input when you group. Play around with 6 and 7. When the interval is set to 7 then you will get groups that start from start date up to the start date + days: 7 (for the 1st week) and similarly for the second group and so on. Check the box that says, don’t skip empty groups or your line curve will be discontinuous and break if there is no data for a group in between.

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