Creating or logging in user after OAuth flow

Hi Everyone, new to Bubble and hoping to get help with users after OAuth.

I have an App which fetches data from HubSpot via API. I want users to click a button to connect HubSpot to Bubble and then if that user already exists, sign them in, if not then create a user. Then I can link data from their HubSpot account to their user and run API calls to HubSpot.

I have manually configured the APIs so that they can click a button, this sends to the private HubSpot app and a code is returned. The code is then used to obtain the access and refresh token. Here I am stuck. If I create an action to sign-up or login then I need to provide a username (which I can get using an API call to fetch token metadata) and a password (which they have not set and which is not fetched from HubSpot after they login?

Should I ask users to sign-up or login first, THEN click the button to connect HubSpot and update the logged in user record with then tokens returned from HubSpot? Any help would be much appreciated!

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Do you have the ability to get their email from HS?

If so, generate a password for them and then allow them to sign in via a login form. Similar to magic link.

Or, do the second method you suggested.

Cheers for the response Timbo! Yes I can get their email from HubSpot, I was hoping I could allow them to sign-in to HubSpot and then use those credentials to log them directly into Bubble but if not I will go with option 2. Thanks!

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have a check to see if there is any special codes or info you can get thats unique to that user which never changes. use that as a password. I do this with a web3auth wallet system and get the unique identifier as the password as it never changes.

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